Stephanie Woodard, PsyD
Senior Associate
Stephanie Woodard, Psy.D. is a licensed psychologist and systems-level strategist with a focus on population health solutions to improve health outcomes. Dr. Woodard earned her Doctor of Clinical Psychology from the PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium in Palo Alto, California, in 2010. She completed a pre-doctoral internship at the VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System in Reno, Nevada. She holds a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology from the same consortium and another Master of Science in Counselor Education from Canisius College in Buffalo, New York. She has taught for the University of Nevada at the undergraduate and graduate levels, served as faculty for professional education for healthcare providers and administrators, and has provided training and technical assistance through national TA centers. Dr. Woodard is a Clinical Associate Professor in the School of Public Health at University of Nevada, Reno.
Dr. Woodard previously served as the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services state mental health authority (SMHA) and single state authority for substance use disorder treatment, prevention, and recovery (SSA) where she provided visionary leadership for state agency teams, state policymakers, community providers, governmental agencies, community partners, payors, criminal justice, and hospital systems. Her legislative frameworks for key policy priorities include 988 and access to crisis services, opioid settlement litigation funding, expansion of substance use disorder treatment services and supportive housing under Medicaid, and access to lifesaving harm reduction services. Additional work with Nevada Medicaid included the development of the 1115 SUD Waiver, Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics, and SUPPORT Act and Mobile Crisis grants where she provided policy consultation and practice implementation guidance.
Aside from her clinical, administrative and policy work, Dr. Woodard has also contributed to research and served on several boards and commissions. In research, Dr. Woodard has contributed significantly as a co-investigator and consultant on multiple projects. She currently serves as a faculty collaborator with the Nevada COBRE for Transdisciplinary, Community-Engaged Substance Use Research at the University of Nevada. Dr. Woodard’s service on boards and commissions includes appointed memberships to the Attorney General’s Substance Use Working group and the Nevada Board of Psychological Examiners. She served as a board member and the Region 9 representative for the National Association of Alcohol and Drug Agency Directors, the treasurer and board member for the National Association for State Mental Health Program Directors, and a board member for the National Association for State Mental Health Program Directors Research Institute.