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Mary Marx, LCSW

Senior Associate

Mary Marx received her master’s degree from California State University-Long Beach in 1987 and obtained her Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in California in 1990. Mary’s career has been dedicated to the provision of medical social work and community mental health services over the past three decades. She is a creative and innovative expert in designing, planning, and implementing programs of various levels of care for community mental health programs, including integrated health, mental health, and substance abuse treatment services for the most vulnerable populations.

As the Program Manager III of Countywide Resource Management for Department of Mental Health (DMH) in Los Angeles County from 2008 to 2019, Mary had responsibility overall administrative, clinical, and fiscal management of DMH’s mental health urgent care programs, acute inpatient resources for uninsured clients, adult/older adult long-term institutional programs, crisis residential treatment programs, intensive residential and supportive residential resources with a daily capacity of over 1,600 persons and an annual budget in excess of $180 million. In addition, Mary was responsible for the successful implementation of Project 50, a county pilot project to house homeless individuals living in Skid Row in permanent housing with integrated health, mental health, and substance abuse treatment services and its subsequent replications; the LAC+USC Medical Center Street to Home Project; Assembly Bill (AB) 109 Post-Release Community Supervision-Community Reintegration Program; Senate Bill (SB) 82 Grant Programs; Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Comprehensive Adult Re-Entry (CARE) Program and other Jail Diversion programs.

Prior to her time at DMH, Mary worked as a medical and liver transplant social worker at Cedars Sinai Medical Center (CSMC) and served as a director of an outpatient hospice program. She has experience in providing psychiatric services in acute inpatient settings, partial hospitalization programs and outpatient mental health programs. Since retirement in 2019, Mary has devoted her time to advocacy for health and mental health services and consultation with Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, housing and mental health providers and Capstone Solutions Consulting Group. She volunteers at CSMC following retirement.

Creative Innovator

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